As part of our World Cuisine blog post series, this month, we will feature the top 10 recognizable Irish dishes in five installment blog posts. So stay tuned because every Wednesday we will unveil two traditional Irish dishes.

Traditional Irish cuisine is made of “simple, basic and cheap ingredients” which reminds you of their humble origin. The most recognizable ingredient of traditional Irish meals is the use of potato, meat and minimal seasoning. Potato was introduced in the 17th century in Ireland. Before the introduction of this starchy, tuberous crop, the Irish diet consists of “milk, cheese, meat, cereals and some vegetables“.


Irish Cuisine: Irish Soda Bread And Irish Stew


Irish Soda Bread. This traditional quick bread has the basic ingredients of baking soda and buttermilk (which act as raising agent) which is mixed with flour.

Irish soda bread by Margaret Hickey | BBC Good Food

Irish soda bread by Margaret Hickey | BBC Good Food

250g plain white flour
250g plain wholemeal flour
100g porridge oats
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp salt
25g butter, cut in pieces
500ml buttermilk

See recipe here.


Irish Stew. A traditional stew of lamb or mutton, potatoes, carrots, onions and herbs (thyme, parsley or bay leaves) .

Irish Stew by Barney Desmazery | BBC Good Food

Irish Stew by Barney Desmazery | BBC Good Food

1 tbsp sunflower oil
200g smoked streaky bacon, preferably in one piece, skinned and cut into chunks
900g stewing lamb, cut into large chunks
5 medium onion, sliced
5 carrot, sliced into chunks
3 bay leaf
small bunch thyme
100g pearl barley
850ml lamb stock
6 medium potato, cut into chunks
small knob of butter
3 spring onion, finely sliced

See recipe here.